Monday, April 26, 2010

Painless Pasta

SURF REPORT: No effin' clue, sorry...

Today I am grateful for things that are quick and painless.

Last night I had to do one of the hardest things ever imaginable. I had to make the decision to put my beautiful girl, furry friend of 14 years, to sleep. I am fortunate. Fortunate to have been chosen by her that day at the pound and fortunate to have her in my life for so long. Her illness was controllable for months with no pain, giving me precious time to grow into acceptance. Time to indulge her with her favorites – ice cream, the puffy parts of popcorn, and a good roll on the sunshine warmed cement. To pet her and love on her every chance I got. And then yesterday, she just wasn’t fine any longer. Her seizures came on very rapidly, and as everyone said I would, I knew.

It was time.

I’d hoped that by some miracle there was something the doctor could do, but he confirmed what I already knew sadly in my heart. He let her pass quietly in my arms; silently, peacefully. Peace was not something she’d had a lot of the last few days.

Pets are such a wonderful part of our lives. I know that being a good pet owner means you have to make the last decision -the most difficult one- for them. I promised myself I’d do everything I could as long as she didn’t suffer, and when the time came, I would not selfishly try to keep her here. Knowing you did the right thing brings a lot of peace of mind.

A shame it doesn’t do a bit of good for your broken heart.

I don’t feel like cooking today.

So today, I am happy for the two recipes below, because they sit in my fridge, pre-made, waiting to be yummy without effort beyond water boiling. Combined with a handful of pasta and some grated parmesan, they make a delicious and easy pasta, or yummy spread and topping for fresh baked bread. (I’ll give you my recipe for that another day). These two recipes come to you in their full quantity, refrigerate and enjoy at whim.

Hammy’s “What do I do with all this extra Basil?” Pesto:

• 2.5 oz Organic basil (2.5 oz = a fistful, roughly)
• ½ c Extra virgin olive oil
• 2 Big fatty cloves of fresh garlic, pressed
• ½ c Pine nuts
• 1/3 c Fresh grated parmesan
• Salt and pepper to taste

Toss into a blender or food processor and pulse till smooth. Yep, that's it.

Refrigerate and enjoy on pasta, pizza, bread… you call it.

Slow Roasted Tomato Toppers

• 8 (10, 12, 14… how hungry are ya?) Roma tomatoes
• Salt to sprinkle
• Fresh thyme to sprinkle
• Olive oil to drizzle

1. Cut tomatoes in half, line baking sheet with tin foil, place tomatoes skin side down on sheet. Sprinkle LIGHTLY with salt, let sit for 20 minutes.
2. Pre heat oven to 250
3. Roast tomatoes for 4 hours at 250. Yes, I said 4 hours. Maybe do it on a Sunday while your checking your Fb or something…?
4. Pull out of oven. Tomatoes should have pretty much flattened out and dried up a bit. If not serving immediately, let cool.
5. Sprinkle liberally with fresh thyme and drizzle lightly with olive oil.
6. Store in airtight container in the fridge.

For Pasta: Cook up a handful of pasta, cut up about 4-5 of your tomato toppers, toss with pasta and a spoonful of pesto. Top with fresh grated parmesan and a little fresh basil.

For Bread: Slather bread with pesto, top with a tomato topper. Eat.

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