Friday, May 28, 2010

I love things that remind me of my grandma...

... many of these things naturally revolve around the kitchen. My grandmother taught me to cook and bake well, whether she intended to or not. She was self taught... when she first married she could barely boil water, or so I am told. I find this hard to believe. Now that she is gone, I have inherited her copper bottom pots - and hopefully - the magic contained in them.

My grandmother used to broil every vegetable I can think of with a sprinkle of Parmesan. Now I love cheese ten times more than the next person, but I was a timid eater as a child, and never could quite get into large rounds of eggplant, no matter how much cheese she put on top.

ALSO! At Vons the other day, guess what I found! Little one glass servings of wine! I did not know you could do this, drink one or two, and save the other two without having to have the same kind of wine 4 nights in a row! Fantabulous! Bella Sera Pinot and Barefoot Chard came home with me. I suggest the Bella Sera with eggplant.

All of this matters why?

Because after years of turning up my nose, I have finally found love for the aubergine. Binnie would be so proud! Turns out I needed feta and Greek yogurt and mint to complete the picture.

So here I present to you: Spicy Eggplant stacks! One small eggplant will do for two, but never fear, my dear singles, you will like this so much you will make it twice and the mighty aubergine will not go to waste. Just make sure you do it within a few days, or your eggplant will indeed go to waste... turns out once you cut into them, they dont last very long!

Spicy Eggplant Stacks


-Six 1/2" slices of eggplant (roughly half a small eggplant)
-olive oil for brushing
-1/2 tsp ground coriander
-1/2 tsp paprika
-1/2 tsp cumin
-1/2 c Greek yogurt
-1/4 c English hothouse, chopped up real nice and small, like Miz T likes
- 1 small garlic clove, or half a good sized one, put through a press or diced up real nice.
-1/2 c feta crumbles
- chopped sprigs of mint to taste, plus three leaves for garnish (you can sub cilantro here, its almost as tasty)


1. Open mini bottle of Bella Sera and pour entire contents into a wine glass.
2. Preheat broiler, or if you're industrious (or male) fire up the grill.
3. Place slices of eggplant on a cooking sheet and brush both sides with olive oil
4. Mix up spices in a cute little prep bowl.
5. Sprinkle both sides of eggplant with spice mix
6. Broil/grill until charred... if you're broiling, be sure to turn 'em so you get both sides!
7. Stir cucumber,mint, and garlic into yogurt.
8. When eggplant is done, pull them out and place three on a plate.
9. Sprinkle feta on top, then spoon a bit of yogurt concoction on top of that, then top with the other eggplant slice.
10. Do the feta thing again on top of that, then the yogurt thing again.
11. Garnish with mint
12. Open another mini bottle of Bella Sera, eat, drink and enjoy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

One Question...

SURF REPORT: Cardiff Reef: Small and fun, pretzels to scale.

Question for the men out there.

If it’s a first/second/third date, and dude du jour has already worked up the nerve to call me, why oh why do they not have a place or two in mind already when they call?? Is it asking too much to actually have thought about it first? Here’s the thing. I’m already caught a bit off my game because YOU CALLED ME. I’m way too busy trying to be cute and bubbly and giggle in all the right places… please oh please… don’t make me think on my feet trying to figure out your neighborhood, any place I might know out there, or whatever.
I’m a girl.
I need my freakin’ GPS to get down the street.
I don’t have a geographical restaurant expert that categorizes by zip code hidden in my purse. You’re the Boy Scout; cut me a break at least until the fourth date, huh?

Okay, so I thought I was doing fine with my version of this recipe (most stuff cut by 66%) until I did some addition (this veggie plus that veggie plus plus plus…) and multiplication (the rice). The original states its side dish for 4. Ya, 4 linebackers maybe! My version serves two heaping portions. Good news is that it’s super yummy cold the next day. Also super yummy reheated the next day.
Next day, have it with a glass of South Sea Magic iced tea from Because OMG! So yummy. And you’re supporting a woman owned small business (Who just happens to be a good friend of mine but whatever!) Its damn good tea, especially on a hot spring day, with a slice of California Cutie in it.

SoCal Wild Rice & Corn Salad

- 1/3 c Long grain and wild rice mix (NOT the quick cook crap!)
- 1 Tbs Lemon juice
- 2 Tbs Olive oil
- ½ c White corn kernels
- 1/3 c Poblano chilies, diced up all tiny like Tiff loves
- 1/3 c Yellow bell pepper, diced
- 1/3 c Yellow zucchini, diced ½”
- 1 small avocado, diced 1/2”
- 1 thin sliced green onion, green and white parts
- ¼ c Chopped cilantro (Excuse to use the fancy food scissors…love those!)
- Salt and pepper to taste

1. Pour a glass of wine.
2. Put the rice on to boil and relax for about half an hour. Wild rice takes for freakin’ ever!
3. Pour another glass of wine and start choppin’!
4. Whisk 1 Tbs of the oil with the lemon juice and set aside.
5. Heat the other Tbs of oil in a skillet on MedHi, and add -IN ORDER- the Poblano chili, yellow bell, and corn. Grind a bit of pepper and toss around a bit. Remember when tossing in a skillet YOU MUST COMMIT TO THE TOSS. I realize some of you mens have commitment issues, but if you want this salad, you have to get over it for about 10 minutes.
6. Add zucchini and commit to the toss once again. Little bit salt and pepper here too. Sauté 6-7 minutes until just tender, scrape into a bowl and set aside, toss in lemon/oil dressing.
7. Add rice, toss. Add avo and cilantro, toss. Salt and pepper to taste.
8. Take a sip of wine and appreciate your fine skillz. This is gonna be goooooood….