Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Its (winter).

I know...

Leucadia doesn’t get WINTER, but we can pretend.

When its dark and stormy, and the
(christmas tree)
is all lit up, I pretend we have snow outside.

I pretend that the pure and beautiful silence that only snow can bring to the world exisits right outside my window.

I pretend that my handsome renegade cowboy is in the other room, rather than 1200 miles away.

I pretend my fireplace works.

And then, I pour myself a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, and I pretend to make myself a roast beast.
The beauty of this roast is that you marrieds can easily increase to serve however many you want. Single Girl (roasts) are good like that.

Hammy’s Single Girl (roast beast)

1 chicken breast
1 sweet potato, cut into thick wedges, skin on.
2 Tbs cooking oil of choice (Ever since I found out olive oil scorches at a low temp, I’ve stopped using it for cooking. No need to add unnecessary carcinogens to my food!)

Seasonings to taste: fresh rosemary, brown sugar, coarse Pacific sea salt, fresh cracked black pepper


1. Pour yourself a glass of wine
2. Pre heat oven to 400
3. With cooking oil, coat bottom of a 9x9 glass roasting dish
4. Lightly and evenly sprinkle salt, pepper and rosemary into the oil.
5. Cut chicken breast into fingers, add to dish and toss around in the oil and spices.
6. Add in sweet potato wedges, and toss around some more. Arrange all pretty.
7. Sprinkle top of dish lightly with more rosemary, salt and pepper.
8. Give the dish a healthy sprinkle of brown sugar over the top.
9. Roast 30-40 minutes.
10. Toss around in the juices, then broil just a few minutes till brown and sugar caramelizes.
11. Flip pieces around in juices and broil a few minutes on other side.
12. Refill wine glass, serve up chix and wedges, and pretend to call your cowboy in for dinner.
13. *sigh*